The Territorial Network
Type: Competition by Europan 16
Program: Masterplan for an industrial harbour
Size: 30 ha
Location: Bassens,
Year: 2022
My role: Lead designer
Théo Añorga
The Industrial and Territorial Ecology project collaborates with the resources along the Gironde estuary, reevaluating connections between industrial port terminals and the landscape. This multi-temporal network aims to regenerate the industrial factory spaces while maintaining their identity, fostering research-based situations and uses.
Green connections, called radials, break down site boundaries, including those between the river quay and the area and the inhabited plateau and industrial zone. These biodiversity corridors, alongside urban polarities and villages, enhance existing proximities. The three villages accommodate residences for researchers, students, workers, and families. Further, the villages host a centre for research and mutualised design, a centre for circular economy, and a resilience laboratory for recycling and shared production.